Steve Brudniak

Heirophantic Aperture (Samsara)

Steve Brudniak
Heirophantic Aperture (Samsara)

34″ x 20″ x 3″
Assemblage with optical effect using a series of highly specialized glass, fiber optic and kinetic components.

Very unique, reflected light patterns in the central window imitate the cyclicality or continuity of life, (called Samsara in Sanskrit), by morphing through a cycle, producing a beautiful array of three dimensional effects; different when viewed from various angles and with various light sources. The plaque reads: OMNIA MUTANTUR NOS ET MUTAMUR IN ILLIS, which is Latin, meaning: All things are changing and we are changing with them. The black, phenolic plastic mandibles of the stag beetle find their way again into my work for a number of reasons, surreal and also symbolic. See, Scrying the Present in the Shadow of a Doubt (The Beetle of Sulawesi) 2010 at

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